Rabu, 11 November 2015

Cellulite – The Unsolved Mystery – or Perfect Scam Set-Up?

As a woman – you either ‘have cellulite’ or you know at least one other woman who suffers from this beauty crippling ‘condition’.

I understand you may have heard many other ‘opinions’ or read various articles on the subject – but I’m here to give you some helpful info from a very different perspective – one that is sure to help you – or anyone you might know who is looking for help in reducing or completely getting rid of cellulite.

First things first:
You don’t ‘have cellulite’ – Cellulite is not a ‘thing’
It’s simply a word, derived from French and Latin roots, that is used to describe the bumpy/dimpled appearance of skin. (the roots are ‘cellula’ and ‘-itis’)
Ponder this:
There are women who are ‘skinny’ – with the appearance of cellulite, and there are women who are ‘fat’ with no signs of cellulite at all.
So what gives?
Well – lets back up a little – to help us put this into perspective.
If we take two overweight women – one without the appearance of cellulite, and one with the appearance of it – we have to first answer the question: Why/How is this?
Before I get further into this – keep in mind I earned a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology – part of which entailed spending eight complete weeks dissecting a human body (cadaver) from the skin, down to the deepest layers (inside the vital organs) – which included EVERY layer in between.

So we ask, What causes the appearance of cellulite?
First – If we were to analyze the fat from the 2 overweight women mentioned above – we would find no physiological or biological difference between the fat in their lower bodies.
BUT we would find some structural differences along with several other factors that are affected by lifestyle habits.

Here’s what we would find structurally:
>> In the woman WITHOUT the appearance of cellulite…
The muscles beneath her fat are firmer and more toned.
The connective tissue that sits between the deepest layers of the skin and the outermost layers of the fat is tighter and smoother.
The fat deposits themselves are more evenly distributed.

Bumpy Skin ——- Smooth Skin
>> In the woman WITH the appearance of cellulite…
The muscles beneath her fat are very soft and most likely droopy or jiggly.
The connective tissue that sits between the deepest layers of the skin and the outermost layers of the fat is looser and not as taught.
The fat deposits themselves are unevenly distributed, and lumpy in configuration.

‘Cellulite’ on Thighs and Butt

In addition to these differences there are, most likely, differences in lifestyle habits. These are:
1 – Proper exercise, improper exercise – or no exercise at all.

2 – Nutrition habits: besides calories and ‘quality’ of foods eaten, several other factors can have a substantial impact on the appearance of cellulite:
— A: sodium intake levels
— B: hydration habits (types and amount of daily fluid intake)
— C: levels of other minerals in relation to sodium (potassium, etc)

3 – smoking, excessive alcohol intake (drinking), other bad habits.
I will be addressing more about this topic, cellulite, in future articles on this website – but for purposes of this article – I want to stay on point…

So – when we look at the factors above – and the factors that one has control over – it is quite safe to assume that a woman who is affected by the appearance of cellulite in the form of fat combined with several structural challenges – she can definitely reduce the appearance of that cellulite by incorporating habits of proper and specifically targeted exercise, combined with healthy nutrition habits that take into account proper hydration and reduced sodium intake.

Now – lets go back to our original question about the ‘skinny’ woman with cellulite and the ‘fat’ woman with NO cellulite.

It should be very easy to understand that the appearance of cellulite in the ‘skinny’ woman has nothing to do with her having a different kind of fat under her skin – or some ‘cottage cheese’ substance that other women don’t have – but rather several structural factors that result in the dimpled and bumpy texture of the outer layer of the skin.
It is also very likely that these structural factors are ‘in addition to’ poor health habits and the lack of proper exercise.

Hence the reason to realize that cellulite, this thing that doesn’t even actually exist, can be reduced and many times ‘removed’ completely.
In reality we are simply changing the appearance of the surface of the skin. We do this with slight changes in the muscle, nutrient balance, hydration and connective tissue ‘taughtness’. Exercise is the catalyst that drives the reasons for change in the structural components that make up the layers behind the surface of the skin.

Wow! – this was a long one… – As I mentioned – lots more for me to talk about regarding cellulite – such as teen cellulite, pregnancy cellulite (pre, during and post), drug side-effect induced cellulite, menopausal cellulite – and a bunch of others – as well as how companies that promote creams, pills, wraps and other such ineffective products are allowed to lie to you and falsely advertise their products to you – FULLY knowing that you will not get rid of your cellulite by using their products.

I’ll be addressing this and how all of these ‘types’ of cellulite were one of the main ingredients that motivated me to create the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover to help women “cure” their cellulite problems.
Until next time…
Be Fit – Be Sexy.

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