Rabu, 11 November 2015

Cellulite – The Unsolved Mystery – or Perfect Scam Set-Up?

As a woman – you either ‘have cellulite’ or you know at least one other woman who suffers from this beauty crippling ‘condition’.

I understand you may have heard many other ‘opinions’ or read various articles on the subject – but I’m here to give you some helpful info from a very different perspective – one that is sure to help you – or anyone you might know who is looking for help in reducing or completely getting rid of cellulite.

First things first:
You don’t ‘have cellulite’ – Cellulite is not a ‘thing’
It’s simply a word, derived from French and Latin roots, that is used to describe the bumpy/dimpled appearance of skin. (the roots are ‘cellula’ and ‘-itis’)
Ponder this:
There are women who are ‘skinny’ – with the appearance of cellulite, and there are women who are ‘fat’ with no signs of cellulite at all.
So what gives?
Well – lets back up a little – to help us put this into perspective.
If we take two overweight women – one without the appearance of cellulite, and one with the appearance of it – we have to first answer the question: Why/How is this?
Before I get further into this – keep in mind I earned a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology – part of which entailed spending eight complete weeks dissecting a human body (cadaver) from the skin, down to the deepest layers (inside the vital organs) – which included EVERY layer in between.

So we ask, What causes the appearance of cellulite?
First – If we were to analyze the fat from the 2 overweight women mentioned above – we would find no physiological or biological difference between the fat in their lower bodies.
BUT we would find some structural differences along with several other factors that are affected by lifestyle habits.

Here’s what we would find structurally:
>> In the woman WITHOUT the appearance of cellulite…
The muscles beneath her fat are firmer and more toned.
The connective tissue that sits between the deepest layers of the skin and the outermost layers of the fat is tighter and smoother.
The fat deposits themselves are more evenly distributed.

Bumpy Skin ——- Smooth Skin
>> In the woman WITH the appearance of cellulite…
The muscles beneath her fat are very soft and most likely droopy or jiggly.
The connective tissue that sits between the deepest layers of the skin and the outermost layers of the fat is looser and not as taught.
The fat deposits themselves are unevenly distributed, and lumpy in configuration.

‘Cellulite’ on Thighs and Butt

In addition to these differences there are, most likely, differences in lifestyle habits. These are:
1 – Proper exercise, improper exercise – or no exercise at all.

2 – Nutrition habits: besides calories and ‘quality’ of foods eaten, several other factors can have a substantial impact on the appearance of cellulite:
— A: sodium intake levels
— B: hydration habits (types and amount of daily fluid intake)
— C: levels of other minerals in relation to sodium (potassium, etc)

3 – smoking, excessive alcohol intake (drinking), other bad habits.
I will be addressing more about this topic, cellulite, in future articles on this website – but for purposes of this article – I want to stay on point…

So – when we look at the factors above – and the factors that one has control over – it is quite safe to assume that a woman who is affected by the appearance of cellulite in the form of fat combined with several structural challenges – she can definitely reduce the appearance of that cellulite by incorporating habits of proper and specifically targeted exercise, combined with healthy nutrition habits that take into account proper hydration and reduced sodium intake.

Now – lets go back to our original question about the ‘skinny’ woman with cellulite and the ‘fat’ woman with NO cellulite.

It should be very easy to understand that the appearance of cellulite in the ‘skinny’ woman has nothing to do with her having a different kind of fat under her skin – or some ‘cottage cheese’ substance that other women don’t have – but rather several structural factors that result in the dimpled and bumpy texture of the outer layer of the skin.
It is also very likely that these structural factors are ‘in addition to’ poor health habits and the lack of proper exercise.

Hence the reason to realize that cellulite, this thing that doesn’t even actually exist, can be reduced and many times ‘removed’ completely.
In reality we are simply changing the appearance of the surface of the skin. We do this with slight changes in the muscle, nutrient balance, hydration and connective tissue ‘taughtness’. Exercise is the catalyst that drives the reasons for change in the structural components that make up the layers behind the surface of the skin.

Wow! – this was a long one… – As I mentioned – lots more for me to talk about regarding cellulite – such as teen cellulite, pregnancy cellulite (pre, during and post), drug side-effect induced cellulite, menopausal cellulite – and a bunch of others – as well as how companies that promote creams, pills, wraps and other such ineffective products are allowed to lie to you and falsely advertise their products to you – FULLY knowing that you will not get rid of your cellulite by using their products.

I’ll be addressing this and how all of these ‘types’ of cellulite were one of the main ingredients that motivated me to create the Ultimate Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover to help women “cure” their cellulite problems.
Until next time…
Be Fit – Be Sexy.

True Cellulite Treatment – 6 Insider Tips for Cellulite Reduction

1 – You must stop sitting on your ass all day long, Sweetheart… It’s a known fact that sitting on your ass all day makes it bigger, fatter and wider – creating more area, a larger canvas shall we say, for nasty cellulite to ‘show up’. And, I’m willing to bet the more sitting you are doing the less exercise you are doing. Am I right or am I right?

2 – You gotta stop working out like a freakin’ nut job… You can exercise ’til you cripple yourself and pass out – But that doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of your depressing cellulite. Yes, exercise does help get rid of cellulite, its one of the few things (arguably the only way) that does work in this regard – BUT it must be the right type of exercise program – If it is not, you’ll just be wasting your time, risking possible injury (and possibly making the cellulite worse). I’ve seen this happen time and time again over the years. And I still see women doing this.

3 – [One of my personal favorites] Make lots of love… I’m not suggesting you to start acting like an easy fluzy – or is it floozie? Whatever it is – you know what I’m talking about. If you are in a good relationship – then put some more emphasis on the ‘physical’ part of it. And don’t be a bump on a log who just lays there and takes it without expending some of your own energy and creativity.

If you want the true benefits of definite cellulite reduction – you have to take the ‘bull’ by the horns (or ‘the horn’ in this case) and work it good. There are many great positions and pleasurable movements that will allow you to break a good sweat as you work out your butt, hip and thighs – …yeah baby… (your significant other can send me a personal ‘thank you’ via the comment section of this blogsite ;-))

Nasty Cellulite on Sharon Stone’s Butt, Hips & Thighs
Proves She Is Not Following Joey’s Program

4 – Quickly disown your dear mother… If you have cellulite – there’s a good chance you’re blaming your innocent mom for it. Well, this is a load of bs – it doesn’t matter what your mom’s rear end and thighs look like – you are not her and she is not you. Understand? – so you can forget about the lame genetic excuse – despite what your friend’s, brother’s sister in law is telling you about ‘genetics’. Next time you talk to your mom – ask her what she has tried to do about her cellulite problem.

And she’ll say something like – “Oh, darling – I’ve tried everything for this cottage cheese on my lower body – the creams, the body wraps, the pills that gave me the GI condition – even those plastic undergarments. It’s horrible – your father hasn’t made love to me with the lights on in about 35 years, maybe longer – now that I think about it – the rotten son of a bitch hasn’t made love to me in 35 years with the lights off either! Anyhow – why do you ask sweetheart?”

Then you ask her – “Well mother, have you ever tried the Cellulite Reduction version of the Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover from Joey Atlas? – They call him ‘The Ladies’ Trainer’ – and he’s a hottie too.”

And she’ll say, “Honey, you know I was never one for the gym and lifting weights and doing those machines. Is Joey related to Charles by any chance?”

And you’ll say, “Ok mom, you obviously haven’t done Joey’s exercise program – because his program doesn’t even involve weights and machines – you can do his whole program at home. I guess there is hope for me after all. I gotta go, mom – I’m ordering Joey’s program – talk to you later. Hey, one last thought – maybe you should try Joey’s program – Who knows maybe you’ll get lucky with dad, again…”

5 – Make these super simple tweaks to your daily nutrition… Reduce your sodium (salt) intake, reduce/eliminate your intake of artificial (chemical) sweeteners and food additives, make olive oil part of your daily nutrition, hydrate (drink water or like fluids) consistently, every day.

6 – This entry was much too controversial and had to be removed… “Sorry”…:
Before you go – read the email right there below my photo, you’ll be glad you did…
Do you have cellulite? What are you doing to get rid of it? What have you tried in the past? I want to hear about it…

And I would love your feedback, comments and questions regarding this article…

The Worst Cellulite Treatment Actually Gives You More Cellulite!

As I looked at some of the recent success stories that I’ve received (a few of which have been posted on the home page) – it made me realize that there are supposed ‘cellulite treatments’ in the form of exercises, creams, lotions, wraps and pills (just to name a few) – that are actually causing more cellulite on women’s toughest problem areas.
Here’s why…

Prime Example: A woman gets so fed up with the cellulite on her legs, butt, hips and thighs – and finally decides to start an exercise program (something she really doesn’t want to do) – because the girl that does her nails told her that she heard exercising helps get rid of cellulite… [Please note this type of scenario can happen many ways... i.e. - a helpful hubby buys the wife a B.S. piece of anti cellulite exercise equipment, boyfriend encourages his girl to join Curves for women... too many to list...]

So she begrudgingly joins the local fitness center and gets put on a program with all the typical weights and machines for legs – which is the equivalent of feeling the need to break an egg before you put it into the frying pan… with a freakin’ sledge hammer for Pete’s sake!
So she gets into the routine …bustin’ her ass for a few weeks …the initial soreness subsides and she’s cruisin’ along – doing 2 or 3 tough leg workouts every week…

But – every time she strips down before getting in the shower – she looks in the mirror and the dimpled & shadowy skin is still there – …no cellulite reduction – just a little stronger in the legs – BUT with a few new aches and pains to go along with the early stages of humiliation…

Now – let me make note here – this happens with all the bogus cellulite scams and treatments out there.. But here’s the problem – exercise, wait let me specify… THE PROPER EXERCISES do reduce and get rid of cellulite… But exercises that are prescribed to the masses – are not structured to target and get rid of cellulite…
Here’s an analogy that will help illustrate this beautifully…
Remember the scene in Rocky where he beats the crap out of the side of beef?

Rocky Beating a Dead Horse (I mean cow)

When he’s done throwing punches the side of beef is still fully intact… BUT it’s bruised and bloodied, and battered with a few broken ribs on the inside… – later on, that same side of beef which took a brutal beating, gets sliced, diced and filleted into several dozen pieces (or filayed, or falaid…) with a small but sharp butcher knife WITHOUT the butcher breaking one bead of sweat…
See, the butcher got the job done properly with the right tools and the right technique…
Which brings me back to the point about cellulite treatments that actually make it worse…

Body Bruising Exercise

I’ll keep this simple and to the point…
So our lady that we mentioned earlier… Shes a few more weeks in and she’s convinced the cellulite isn’t going away – as a matter of fact – as much as she hates to admit it – she’s actually noticing that it’s getting worse!!

That’s because it is… See, an exercise program that doesn’t get rid of cellulite – won’t stop it from getting worse either. Nasty but true!… Easy to understand, right?
So naturally she quits the brutal gym workouts and gives up altogether… But here’s the bigger problem… She still believes that the program she was following was supposed to get rid of her cellulite – when in reality it wasn’t – and because of this – she now believes it’s her “genetics” that has doomed her body and her happiness for the rest of her life…

This happens every day… I know, because I’ve been helping women like this for about 21 years now. It used to bother me a lot – until I learned how to it put it into perspective – and since I’ve put this fact into perspective – it’s helped me realize with more clarity the gift I’ve been given in being able to empathize with and guide toward success the type of woman who has experienced this type of misdirection and subsequent letdown…

You may have “cellulite” (dimples and shadows)… You may not have any cellulite – or you may be trying to prevent cellulite as you ‘mature’ (as you get “older”)… either way…
I hope this article has helped you understand the perils of the wrong cellulite treatment and how to avoid the pain and agony that can result from going down the wrong path.

I’d love to hear from you – so please post your comments, questions, nagging problems, burning desires below – or if you just want to tell me how handsome I am or that I look like a cross between Danny Devito and Mr. Clean – that’s fine by me ;-))

Cellulite Exercises, 4 Lower-Body Exercises; Body-weight Leg, Butt & Thigh Workout for Women

Synergistic body-weight exercises for women can help the average female achieve specific lower body goals. Primary examples are:

ONE: Anti CelluliteExercises for targeting the cause of dimples & shadows
TWO: Toning Exercises for toning, strengthening and lifting saggy or droopy muscles
THREE: Sculpting Exercises for shaping specific lower body areas and trouble zones
FOUR: Firming Exercises for tightening up soft/atrophied muscles and smoothing bumpy skin

In this leg, butt and thigh exercise video clip, I bring you through a combination sequence of four body-weight exercises which stimulate the legs, glutes and thigh zones. These will also get the middle and lower back working as well to help tighten, tone and reduce flab.
This mini-workout can be done as a solo exercise routine – or you can combine it with the other free exercises on this website – or in my complete, home and travel workout programs for purchase (e-manuals,dvds, etc…)

This lower-body exercise combo-sequence includes four body-weight movements. They are:
ONE – Exercise Ball Double-Leg, Hamstring Curl (for back of thighs & butt)
Lying down on a mat or soft surface, facing up – place your heels and calves on top of an exercise ball (55cm or 65cm is ideal). Arms on the ground at your sides. Lift your hips off the ground by pushing your heels and calves into the ball. That is your starting position. Then curl your heels in toward your hamstrings, while pushing your hips toward the sky. Stop when the bottom of your feet are on top of the ball. Then slowly return the the starting position.

TWO – Double-Leg, Knee-Up & Down (for quads, fronts of thighs)
Get onto your hands and knees – on an exercise mat or soft surface. Bring your toes forward. Then slowly lift your knees off the ground and get your glutes up toward the sky – so your legs are almost fully straightened. Then slowly return to the start position – lightly touching your knees to the ground.

THREE – Symmetrical Hip-Extensions (glutes, low and mid back)
Lying down face-up now. Bend your knees and point your toes upward – so your heels are the only part of your feet touching the floor or mat. Push your heels into the ground and lift your hips toward the sky. Give a slight pause at the top. Then slowly lower your hips to touch the mat. Breath out on the way up (as you exert) and breath in on the way down (as you relax).

FOUR – Exercise Ball Squats (for the whole lower body)
Place an exercise ball (size 55cm – 65cm) against a wall and then lean against it with your lower back area. With your feet shoulder width apart – slowly squat down as the ball rolls up toward your upper back/shoulder blade area. Pause for a second or two – then slowly return to the top position, keeping a slight bend in the knees at the top. Breath in going down – breath out going up.

If going through this body-weight exercise circuit is too easy – try it a second and third time. You can also add 5 or 10 repetitions to each set for a longer exercise sessions and a more intense fitness challenge.

After you’ve tried this lower-body exercise sequence – please post your feedback and comments below – and then please do share this with anyone else you know who can benefit from this kind of helpful fitness information.

As always – I remind you to get your doctor’s medical clearance for exercise before starting any new exercise program – or if you are unsure about your own physical ability and readiness for exercise.

Your trainer forever – your trainer for life,
Joey Atlas
M.S., Exercise Physiology
Womens Body Enhancement Specialist